My chicken got attacked and now hes acting weird!!

Sonia Gawlas

6 Years
Oct 13, 2017
About 3 days ago my chickens got attacked by, I’m presuming, a group of coyotes while free ranging. 2 hens and 5 pullets are now missing and one of my pullets (assuming its a male but not 100%) survived and escaped and is now acting pretty sick/strange. He sleeps most of the day, but will only sleep standing up, he has wounds and dried blood around his neck but it doesn’t seem to be punctured or heavily injured, I noticed his head is a bit lopsided and out of shape, his jaw id slightly unaligned and one eye protrudes more than the other but its not out of socket or bulging or anything just a lil off, every movement he does is quite sparse and slow, and i don't think he's eaten since the incident which is probably from pain as he cant fully bend his neck down, i noticed this and i hand fed him a bit of water and immediately he drank a good amount so I’m assuming ill have to manually feed him for a few days if not weeks which i don’t mind. Im hoping hes just shaken up and his pain will go away as it doesnt seem like hes been biten too deep, but i also dont know if he has any neurological conditions either. He moves around pretty frequently so I think thats a good sign? I don’t want him to die, hes a super sweet little roo and was very lively before. Any suggestions?


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Maybe try to get a picture of the beak front the front straight on tomorrow. Hard to tell in the pic if his beak is misaligned. Does it look fractured? Can you mix a mash of watery chicken feed and a few bits of scrambled egg? Has he been able to eat and drink? Is there swelling of his head or neck, or do any areas feel like air under the skin? I would keep them in the coop and run for their safety. He may have been in shock for a period.

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