We just got 6 chickens about 1 month ago. One of the hens had a deformed looking toe. A week ago we saw blood everywhere from her toe and and I separated her. I got the bleeding to stop and saw that it was really swollen and had 2 smalls cuts on it. I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide, sprayed vetercyin on it, antibiotic cream and wrapped. Some of the swelling went down. I read for bumblefoot you should soak in Epson salt water so I did that a few times. Then I read that you shouldn't do that for open wounds. I stopped the soaking immediately and started amoxicillin once a day. It still looks infected with swelling, its not as bad though. I know it takes time to heal but I'm worried about me soaking the open wounds. Also should I be cleaning the cuts with hydrogen peroxide? I need to take a picture of it. I just hope I'm doing the right things now.