My chicken has runny poo, tail down, weak, please help.

Give the Tylan a try if you already have it. It certainly won't hurt your girl and maybe it will help. If she is not drinking, however, you must give her Pedialyte with an eye dropper. Go slowly, not too much at a time to make sure she doesn't choke and inhale it. If it goes in her lungs, then you got even more problems. No doubt she is dehydrated and suffering from electrolyte loss. A bird can go quite a long time without food, but they will die rather quickly without water.
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Pedialyte is more important than the bath. Do that first, 1/2 hour soak in warm water second, shot third, and then another dose of Pedialyte. Try to get this girl rehydrated by giving little drinks every hour or so with the eye dropper if she's not drinking on her own.
well shes already in the tub. should we take her out and give her ped. or should we give it to her while in the tub? or since shes already in, should we wait until shes done, she has about 15 mons laft in the water
Fine. Be sure to dry her with a blow dryer on low speed and warm-cool temp. She shouldn't remain damp.

Is she keeping her eyes open? Can she stand up by herself? Is she struggling at all or acting like she's in pain?
she is standing, but he keep making her sit so her vent is in water. she closes her eyes like she is enjoying it, but she opens them up if she is standing up. no strugling
she closes her eyes, and it looks like she is falling asleep or passing out or something, she starts to fall but than all of a sudden regains balance and opens eyes
That sounds promising.

When you get ready to give her the shot, make sure you insert the needle just under the skin on the breast - don't go deep into the meat. You should be able to just pull the breast skin out slightly so you can slip the needle in between the skin and the breast.

I have to go out for a bit. I'll check back in in about an hour or so to see how things are going. Maybe someone else will come along with some advice for you.

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