My chickens are trying to put me in therapy.


10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
First: Hi everyone; I haven't been around much lately!


I realized I was getting some odd looks this morning when I was gesturing -- don't blame me, I'm half Italian, and I sure perpetuate the stereotype when I get going. Anyway, a few minutes ago, I realized why: a rather ugly red gash right across the inside of my left wrist. You don't see it normally, but when I'm waving around trying to get a point across it sure shows.

No people, this doesn't mean I'm trying to kill myself. It means I have a young Golden Buff who thinks she's a falcon and I don't own a gauntlet.

But I think now I may trim her toenails...
Hahaha, I've got scratches all over my arms from my girls using me as a launching pad (and a few from my old roo)! We sometimes have to trim our girls' nails too, a bit.
I got an old claw mark down my face as well from when my favorite girl slid off my head and down my face!

You Know You Love Chickens When...
Yep they do take a little explaining aunt asked me if i was a "cutter" when I showed up with 3 bandaids covering rooster scratches on my arm.
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See, normally I don't let them perch on me, but for some reason this year's batch of young 'uns like to roll out of the holding position (one arm wrapped around the wings with both feet held in that hand) and onto my wrist when I try to release them. Then, no matter how much they were struggling to get away when I was holding them, they want to STAY there.

Silly chickens. Silly me. I guess I just need to buy stock in disinfectant companies XD
I know you get the strangest looks.
And then you go to the doctor with cuts, scratches, and bruises. And they look at you like what the heck? And than you try and explain chicken wire, hardware cloth, chickens, guinea's and goats. The look than is priceless.

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