My chicks are only a day old, I can't tell if they are too hot or cold - URGENT


Sep 19, 2024
im worried about my chicks and cant sleep, please help, it seems cold in the brooder but they are panting a little when they go closer to the heat lamp, and they retreat, this is my first time hatching chicks and I've already lost one, please someone help asap, I dont want to lose anymore
one is a day old, the other slightly less, ceramic heat lamp, around 23 degrees celcius in the cooler area, but I had the thermototer in the warmer zone it was reaching 40
33.9-35 Degrees Celsius is what I read to be optimum temperature for baby chicks.They should just be able to move to the place where they’re most comfortable.Did anything else seem to be wrong with the one that died or the one that is closing its eyes?Just stay calm and make sure they have water and food.
well it is 3am so it may just be sleepy, that one is still a little wet but mostly fluffed out, I had to help that chick out of the egg, I think that death was unrelated, it died suddenly on its back
it's weird, hes active but doesn't seem to know where he's going because his eyes are closed, he did hatch early this morning
Did you hatch these with an incubator? I’ve read that helping them remove some shell is very dangerous as it’s easy to tear their skin. If you use an incubator why not leave the chicks in there for 24-48 hours? And I suggest giving them a shade in the brooder. Allow them to seek the comfort temperature.

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