My Crazy Dog Eats Chicken Food!

Yup, my dogs do all of this too. The chocolate lab is the WoRSt. He will eat anything, sorry if you've read this from me already, but I mean anything: chicken & goat feed & poop, wood chips, pumpkin and watermelon including the rinds, and worst of all fire ant killer. yeah that one cost me about $200 and a night crying as he had several seizures. Still gets them when he's over excited or overheated. The yellow lab purposely goes outside to eat the goat and chicken feed and I've had to get crafty about keeping it away from him. The terrier mix is the only one with a brain. She eats dirt, sure, but not the rest of that nonsense.....
eh, chicken food not so bad
My female dog eats chicken poop
my dog prefers it already digested too!! She will eat the horse food, chicken food, cow food, but just seems to prefer it after it comes out the other side!!
Some one else said it too, the frozen horse apples are an absolute delicacy!!

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