My duck can't hold her head up

If you duck can't hold her head up it might be a toxin and it's called botulism limber neck is another name for it, Is this duck an adult that may have gotten into something toxic?
Or a duckling?
She's an adult, i don't think it is a toxin because it has happened before. She doesn't free range very often and there's defiently not anything she could get into from inside her coop. I did consider botulism at first, but I've ruled that out. Thank you though!
If you think it is a niacin defiency, you need to offer something more than just treats like a liquid b complex or brewers yeast.
What are you feeding her? Chicken crumble does not have enough niacin if any, so you would definitely have to add it to her diet via a supplement.
Okay, she has chicken crumbles right now. I've heard I should get a duck blend instead, but neither of my local feed stores have any. However there is a company about 2 hours from me that makes there own organic chicken feed, and they advertise it to have niacin in it. But for now ill look for some brewers yeast to add to their feed, do you reccommend a specific amount to add?
Calcium deficiency...Spinach actually should never be fed to Birds because it blocks the body from absorbing calcium.
Crush up two Tums tablets and either put on some peas and water or add to a small bowl of water..
oh no, i didn't know they shouldn't have spinach. I heard it was good for niacin deficiency? Guess I'll be switching to brewers yeast now, they do have oyster shells for calcium as well though. Thank you for the info!
Welcome to BYC! Is your duck able to drink water? What does her poop look like? Can you post pictures of her and her poop and how about a video of her? To post video upload to youtube or vimeo then copy/paste the link here.
there's the video i took right after i got her out of the bath tub. right after i took this i wrapped her in a towel and held her head up. She was fine and started preening herself again when all of a sudden it happened again,.. and again... her poop looks totally normal though
I would lean toward some sort of vitamin or calcium deficiency for sure. See if you can find some type of all flock feed in your area and stop giving spinach. Maybe give some nutri drench for a few days and see if that helps?
Okay, she has chicken crumbles right now. I've heard I should get a duck blend instead, but neither of my local feed stores have any. However there is a company about 2 hours from me that makes there own organic chicken feed, and they advertise it to have niacin in it. But for now ill look for some brewers yeast to add to their feed, do you reccommend a specific amount to add?
Brewers yeast is 1 tablespoon per cup.
What about an all flock feed? Purina flock raiser is good for all ages. Plus if you have chickens, you can feed it to them. Supplement any layers with extra calcium (oyster shell or feed their egg shells back to them).
You can ask your feed stores if they carry an all flock feed.
Tsc carries purina flock raiser - if any are near you.
there's the video i took right after i got her out of the bath tub. right after i took this i wrapped her in a towel and held her head up. She was fine and started preening herself again when all of a sudden it happened again,.. and again... her poop looks totally normal though
Oh poor baby. :hitplease hug her for me. :hugs
Brewers yeast is 1 tablespoon per cup.
What about an all flock feed? Purina flock raiser is good for all ages. Plus if you have chickens, you can feed it to them. Supplement any layers with extra calcium (oyster shell or feed their egg shells back to them).
You can ask your feed stores if they carry an all flock feed.
Tsc carries purina flock raiser - if any are near you.
I have a local TSC so I'll go look for it there tomorrow since they're closed now. She will have oyster shells available 24/7. Thank you so much for the help!

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