My duckling fell on his back and can't move!


In the Brooder
Apr 5, 2015
Meridian, Idaho
My pekin duckling is 12 days old and has jumped off of me and landed on his back. He can barley stand on his own, and can't walk without tumbling over. I can try and get him to stand up with my hand under him for support, but he usually falls. He is eating, and drinking but will not move from his spot. He is breathing heavily and his eyes seem lowsy. Nothing seems broken on the outside, but I'm scared its internal. We don't have a vet that would care for him and I don't know what to do! Please help!!
I have never had that happen to me so I am not sure. Sorry to hear that. Mabey someone else will know what to do...I wish you the best of luck!
We had something similar to this happen to one of our babies. They were just a few weeks old and one slipped and hit his head. He was kinda out of it a for a few days, had a hard time walking. But, he eventually pulled through and now is back to normal! This was a few weeks ago. I would just keep a really close watch on him and keep trying to make sure he eats and drinks normally. You may want to keep him alone with a stuffie to snuggle with for a couple of days. That way he won't have the other ducks messing with him, or walking on him.

I'm sorry this happened. I hope he pulls through and does great!

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