Hi everyone! Happy New Year! 
I have four 6-week old ducklings. They are not fully feathered yet, so they are still in my house (omg, so messy! so stinky!). I have been reading that they should be fully feathered anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks old and then they can GO OUTSIDE WHOOOHOOO! Seriously though...I love these ducklings. They are precious and beautiful. I'm just over shoveling out the bedding (pine pellets) in their kiddie pool brooder every 2-3 days. SO. MUCH. POOPANDPEE.
Anyway! The initial plan was to get another batch of ducklings after Christmas and raise them in the house until they could join the original four but unless someone magically gifts me with ducklings who have nowhere else to go, I am done with ducklings for now. I have learned my lesson and will not brood another batch of ducklings until the SPRING.
But, we want more ducks so we can get more eggs to feed our family of five, so I'm considering adopting four adult Muscovy ducks from a local breeder to join my ducklings once they go outside. My question old should my ducklings be before bringing these other four adults to join them? We are really attached to our ducklings and don't want them to get hurt or sick, so I want to make sure to do this right. I also thought about adopting the Muscovies before my ducklings go outside--my husband is not quite finished building the hoop coop, though he will likely be done this weekend.
Which do y'all think would be a better option: putting the ducklings outside first (once they are fully feathered) and THEN adding the adult Muscovies, or adopting the adult Muscovies and THEN adding the ducklings when they are fully feathered?
I'd really appreciate the advice of y'all more seasoned duck keepers!

I have four 6-week old ducklings. They are not fully feathered yet, so they are still in my house (omg, so messy! so stinky!). I have been reading that they should be fully feathered anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks old and then they can GO OUTSIDE WHOOOHOOO! Seriously though...I love these ducklings. They are precious and beautiful. I'm just over shoveling out the bedding (pine pellets) in their kiddie pool brooder every 2-3 days. SO. MUCH. POOPANDPEE.
Anyway! The initial plan was to get another batch of ducklings after Christmas and raise them in the house until they could join the original four but unless someone magically gifts me with ducklings who have nowhere else to go, I am done with ducklings for now. I have learned my lesson and will not brood another batch of ducklings until the SPRING.
But, we want more ducks so we can get more eggs to feed our family of five, so I'm considering adopting four adult Muscovy ducks from a local breeder to join my ducklings once they go outside. My question old should my ducklings be before bringing these other four adults to join them? We are really attached to our ducklings and don't want them to get hurt or sick, so I want to make sure to do this right. I also thought about adopting the Muscovies before my ducklings go outside--my husband is not quite finished building the hoop coop, though he will likely be done this weekend.
Which do y'all think would be a better option: putting the ducklings outside first (once they are fully feathered) and THEN adding the adult Muscovies, or adopting the adult Muscovies and THEN adding the ducklings when they are fully feathered?
I'd really appreciate the advice of y'all more seasoned duck keepers!