My ducks eggs won’t hatch, what am I doing wrong!?


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2024
I have 4 Peking female ducks and 1 male, without an incubator so we decided to try natural incubation since the ducks were broody.
Only we’ve been trying for two months, all eggs left were fertile after checking via candling, however a week later the eggs would get broken and those that made it very long died before the chick began to from (hasn’t gone further then veins). I’m not sure if there’s something wrong with the eggs or if there’s aggression somewhere overnight or maybe they’re breaking them? I know there’s at least two of them that’s broody because they swap out laying on the eggs and the eggs are alone for only about 20-30 mins at a time and they cover them before leaving. Any tips as to why this is happening?
First of all are the shells strong or week. If week oyster shells or another calcium need added.

Second two ducks on the same nest can easily cause shaken eggs. Which can kill the ducklings. It can work, but not always. Sometimes I create a fence around a nest to seperate other ducks from a broody duck nest.

Third, Pekins are not known for their mothering skills. I had a Pekin that went broody and raised ducklings several times. Due to her size she would end up squishing a few eggs each time.
are they well protected? possums will definitely break eggs up, and get hens spooky around the nest ...

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