My First (and 2nd) adopt and egg hatch-a-long of the year

So i go to check on the owlbeard when it was zipping, well after I noticed it had started, and the poor Ameraucana/Cochin mix had half an eggshell stuck over its head!!!! It popped up and was going in circles and the shell was fully over its head. Thankfully the owlbeard had just hatched so humidity was high so I opened the incubator quickly and took it off of its head. But I had to snap a pic before I did. Lol


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25,28 and 31 hatched. I had to help 2 since humidity dropped to 50 or so overnight and they had the start of zips but weren't continuing and seemed weak. They are out and drying off and seem better.

No new pips so took out other babies and candled. At least 2 internal pips, 1 moving. Think 1 Owlbeard and 1 SF are DIS.
3- Kahlua (Blue Ameraucana)- @Iluveggers hatched 3/23 Blue
5- Sunrise (EE/Cochin mix) Margarita- @Auntiejessi3. Hatched 3/23 splash

Day 18 Cochins

15- @CloneFly quit
16. @Wyorp Rock quit

18- @Ilovemychicks08 Hatched 3/27 Blue
20 Hatched 3/28 Black

Day 17

25- Lemon Owlbeard Hatched 3/29
26- Lemon Owlbeard- @Wyorp Rock Hatched 3/29
28- Lemon Owlbeard- @HorseGirlAbby Hatched 3/29
29- Lemon Owlbeard Hatched 3/29
30- Lemon Owlbeard- @Ilovemychicks08 DIS
31- Lemon Owlbeard- @fluffycrow Hatched 3/29
32- Lemon Owlbeard Dis

33- Chocolate Emerald Hatched 3/28 Lavender
34- Chocolate Emerald. Hatched 3/28 Lavender
35- Chocolate Emerald. Hatched 3/28 Lavender@Ilovemychicks08
36- Chocolate Emerald Hatched 3/28 dark
37- Chocolate Emerald. Hatched 3/28 dark
38- Chocolate Emerald. Hatched 3/28 Lavender @Wyorp Rock Hatched 3/28 Lavender

39- Lavender Ameraucana Hatched 3/28
40- Lavender Ameraucana- @Auntiejessi3 DIS
42- Lavender Ameraucana- @CloneFly. Hatched 3/28

43- SF Hatched 3/29
45- SF. Hatched 3/28
47- SF. Hatched 3/28
48 -SF @Ilovemychicks08. Hatched 3/28
49- SF Hatched 3/27

53- Kahlua (blue Ameraucana) Hatched 3/28 blue with cheeks
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Still waiting on the last owlbeard to hatch. I candled and see it moving but no peeping so guessing not internally pipped yet......... UGH! LOL

The last owlbeard and SF hatched while I was at work.

so far have

3 from my flock
2 Cochins
5 Owlbeards
2 Lavender Ameraucana
6 Chocolate Emeralds
5 Salmon Faverolles

for 23 chicks. Hopefully that will be 24 soon!!!!!!

not the best for what I started with, but seeing as there were clears so can't count those. then the Cochins did horrible but were in the mail from Fri-Wed so don't think that helped guess it wasn't too bad.

I lost I think 3 after lockdown. :( then 2 were I think before lockdown but kept them just in case.
So the last owlbeard that hatched still had the yolk sac attached. It didn't look like a lot but there is yolk on the shell so not sure if it broke? There also looked like quite a bit of blood as well. I have it in the bottom part of the shell that was still attached and in a cup in the incubator but not sure how it is going do.

Still waiting on the last egg to hatch too. It is making me nervous

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