My first chicks are here! with pics

Awwwwwwww, tooooo cute! Congrats on the new "babies" Enjoy!!!
I got 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Silver laced wyandotts, 2 easter eggers, and 2 barred rocks. You?? Sorry about your little sickie, hopefully she will pull through soon.

NO WAY!! HAHAHA, that's EXACTLY our order, we should be friends!
And I just got an update from a friend I have checking on her (as I too, unfortunately, had to stop staring and playing with the little muffins to go back to work, though I may "feel ill" tomorrow to stay home with them!) and apparently she's bouncing around and acting like a normal lil chick, hopefully she popped out of it!

Yeah for baby chicks!!
Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your success!
I'm waiting for my chickens to ship from MPC on April 12th...I'm not in the "8 Club", I only ordered 6 (listed below).

So happy happy to hear about your safe arrival and thank you for the pictures!
Congrats!! My 8 are due in May from MPC also. . . Hope mine are as bright and healthy looking as yours are. Such great pictures, I'll need to start practicing now so I know how to post them when my girls arrive. I didn't have the guts to have them arrive when it is cold, so now I still have months to wait.
My order is shipping on Monday from MPC, so I'm hoping that they get here just as vibrant as yours!!! I've got the same breeds coming, but a total of about 30 of them!

Absolutely can't wait to see my little babies too!
OMG that's crazy! Glad to hear that she's doing better! I wish I could have called in sick today, sometimes working for family has drawbacks.
do you have pics of yours??

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