My four week chicks have lice - EMERGENCY

I'd just keep watch on her, if she stopped doing it, she's probably fine. She may have had a piece of food or something in her beak she was working on.

She sure is cute!
I think she may have tried to eat a too big piece of food, I crush it up but there easily could have been a larger piece
They haven’t eaten as much as I’d like today, they have eaten but crops aren’t full
I don’t think I’ll be buying birds from this lady again, unless it’s possible they caught and show lice and coccidiosis in the two days I had them
If they're able to eat things beside starter feed consider giving them small pieces of egg or meat. This will help boost their protein levels and red blood cells.
I don’t think they really know what is food apart from pellets
I’ve offered them various things but they don’t trust it
I’m feeding them game chick starter because that’s all the store had, but the main difference apparently is it has a higher protein content
OK they’re eating now, not sure why they weren’t earlier today but they have rounded crops now
And they are fighting for the spot on top of the waterer


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