my french coper maran was told he is not breeding quality, or I was told he was not

mama dixie

8 Years
Aug 11, 2011
I have a hen french copper maran with nice feathering a little sparce but nice on her legs, and then we have a roo copper maran we call Copper. he has a lot of coper on him all over. a friend who breeds them and sells them for money 25 a bird says my roo is not fit to breed is this true? are the roos not to have a lot of coper on them? I looked them up and it looks like they do have alot of coper on them, this man knows alot and I dont want to breed mine if he is not good stock although it would only be for our flock.
Different people have different opinions on birds. If you could upload some pictures you may get better feedback on here.
If you're only breeding for your home flock he's fine. If you're breeding for showing or selling birds that meet the standard you might not want to, or get another opinion. But if you just want chicks for yourself, who cares what color?
yes I am thinking I will get a picture and put it on line. now if I can just remember how to upload the picture..I would get one from the man who has the really nice ones but he has had trouble with merix and I am just terified of putting my flock even close to that. does anyone know can merix travel though the egg, if I get some eggs do you think they would of been exposed?
Wow, so his flock has a disease and he's telling you yours is not good enough? Go no where near his flock. They are your chickens...who cares if they aren't perfectly perfect. Besides, sea biscuit didn't meet sop either and was one of the greatest race horses of all time. Maybe your roos will turn out better chicks than his - you never know... :)
Dixie - a couple comments. I have been breeding Black Copper Marans for 6 years now. If you are just wanting a few of your own chickens, nothing wrong with breeding what you have, although you will get differing opinions on that.

If you wish to be able to sell hatching eggs, chicks, or juvenile/adult stock at some point, then you should probably spring for some better quality birds. Without seeing them, it's difficult to know, but when you say your male has lots of copper, it's a warning flag to me - his breast should be solid black. Again, this would be if you are wanting to sell at some point later. You will need to get a copy of the Standard of Perfection for the breed - and there are a few threads you should look into here:

Here is the "main" Marans thread, for discussion of all varieties:

Here is the Black Copper thread:

There is a ton to know about the breed, and they were only accepted into the SOP (Standard of Perfection) last year, so we have a long way to go. Many feel it's not prudent to breed inferior stock, since we are working to get them perfected. But I personally don't see a thing wrong with using what you have, so long as you're not going to be selling them as exhibition birds.

Feel free to PM me with any questions, and there are many others who are very familiar with the breed as well!
thank you for that comment, I am so worried abot mine getting sick that I try to limit where I get my birds. I got one from a friend one time and then had some get sick. we got lucky and when I had a couple of others checked they were OK. the one that got sick had the thing were the eye swells and they get worse and worse and die. I was so freaked I would have to dis troy my flock but the vet said to not sell any and just watch them close and I have and they seem to be OK. I must of had a guardian angel. I think the open air coop helps a lot that and I separated the bird asap... I count myself very lucky. I think I should only have birds for myself I just don't want to get in the thing of selling them so much to watch out for as far as disease. I must be honest I have a weakness and love to hatch out the babies under broody mom's so I have to fight the urge to hatch some out. I had bantams hide a nest and they hatched out some really cute frizzle and two were hens out of four I thought that was pretty darn good for me, usually I get mostly roo's. my frizzle girl is so so cute but my bantams are so tiny it is odd. anyway I think I will get a picture of coper and see what you all think. I tell him he is pretty I mean I am far from perfect and if my mom did not tell me I was pretty gees I can not imagine the therapy bills :)
Haha, good for mom! Chickens are a hobby for me as well. They do provide fresh eggs and some good eats what I know how it's been treated. I also really love the broodies and having those chicks and right now they are everywhere! Now my last roo, unfortunately was killed by a predator, sired some very good looking chicks that turned out looking even better than him..bigger, more color, and nice you can not just say what could happen in genetic combinations, otherwise all those perfect looking roos should be turning out perfect looking kids...right? I mean, as long as he looks pretty normal where's the harm? Just have fun with it - right? I'm sure you're not going to try to pass your stuff off as something it's not (fraud) still - buyer beware goes for those big time breeders too. Would love to see a pic.

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