My Frizzle is 100% All ROO!! (Updated Page 4)

he has the look of a boy to me. I can't say exactly why, but he looks like a boy.
Sorry I can't help more. I have probelms with my silkies too
Looks like my red hen.

My roo, who is younger than Mr Frizzles:
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Looks like a cockerel. Hard to tell when the bird is wet. The coloring definately suggests male. It looks like he's bearded (again, hard to tell wet), and most bearded males have very small to nonexistant wattles. The standard calls for very small wattles, with a natural absence preferred.
LOL, If lilpeeps says he's a roo he is a roo. I have thought all along I just never understood why he had no wattles and my other roo doing the dance to him maybe just a dominant thing?

I'll get better pics if i can its been so cold and weather has been so bad around here.

Thanks for everyones suggestions he's a keeper male or female..LOL
If the roo is mounting and doing the dance you definitely have a hen there.

I wouldn't say that for sure. I have several roos together (i really need to find homes for the extras) and they all have grown up together so there is no fighting. But I have seen a couple roos do their rooster dances to OTHER roos. So this isn't a guarantee that the one being danced to is a hen.

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