Blue Andalusian
- Nov 4, 2024
- 217
- 605
- 146
I am Not a Professinal Trainer. But i want to make this Clear to everybody!Put her/him on a leash, and walk around the chickens with her/him. If she tries to Lunge, Chase or Jump at the Chickens on the Leash. Nudge her/him in the side and say "Na" or a word or sound that Means "No you cannot do that" and don't give them a treat. If they are being Good, Nice and Calm around the chickens. Give them a treat (Clicker training is the best. I can tell you a bit about it, But i'd prefer if you looked into a dog training book, Go to AKC or Research it). If you have any Questions, Feel free to Ask them!
1. Shock collars are not Abusive, Cruel or Bad if they are used they right way. Setting the dogs Shock Collar to a Easy but Strong (Meaning: Strong enough to get the dog to get that they can't do that. But Easy enough to not hurt them) Setting will Teach them
2. The Leash method. Explained above, Is a Really good way to teach your dog to be Nice, Calm and Gentle around Animals. It may take a bit while, But it'll work
3. Fear and Pain does not work on a dog (Ex: Pulling out a Broom, the dog is scared of to get them to do something). Most likely it will work for a short time, not at all or Do something bad to them. Bad to them as in Mistakingly being Afraid of something, cause you used that Fear/Pain to Train them. Again, Fear and Pain does not work on the Dog. It can only make them Fear more Things, Most Likely. It is not the True way to "Train" a dog