My Hen’s comb is almost torn off and beak chipped HELP!


Mar 2, 2018
My hen, Rosie is a silver laced Wyandotte and somehow tore almost all her comb off and freaked out and cracked her beak, now it fell off. I’m worried about her comb it’s turning black but is still bleeding a little.
This happened about 4 hours ago, we tried to clean it, she is now in a coop without the other 3. (With food and water!)
Sorry about your chicken. Do you know if she hurt the comb and beak, or if a predator did this, or perhaps another flock member? Is ther anything sharp like fencing or a nail that she could have ripped the beak on?
Can you post any pictures? How much of her beak is gone?
Her comb should be fine, and you can use blood stop powder, styptic, or flour to get the blood to clot. Separation is good. Use a small bowl with high sides for feed, and add enough water to make it soupy. Also keep water available. Severe beak injuries can be hard to treat, but one hen a couple of years ago had her whole beak bitten off, and still has survived. The owner tube fed her for a while, and then fed her chopped egg, and since she has learned how to eat even though her beak never grew back.
She just started laying a few days ago and we think she got freaked when we took her eggs, looked for them and somehow hurt herself. Our coop is home-made and may have a few places where there is sharp chicken wire. I'm not to worried about her beak, it's less than 1/4 of her beak is broken off and is eating and drinking properly. Her comb has stopped bleeding and is all black, but her comb flops around while she is eating, drinking, etc. Thanks so much for the answer! It's dark where I live now but will hopefully get pictures up by tomorrow morning.

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