My hen has a lump with a scab on

Does it hurt if you squeeze it gently? If so, there might be pus in it. If you're a "picker", like me LOL, you can pick the scab off. Gently squeeze and see if a pus collection comes out. if not, clean with Hibiclens (in the bandaid section at pharmacy) for 5 minutes. Hibiclens is what we (Drs) use to scrub before surgery. It's a MUST in all cabinets for human and animal wound care because it actually kills ALL types for fungus, yeast, bacteria, and viruses after a gentle 10 minute scrub, and it KEEPS KILLING THEM FOR 24 HOURS! Then apply Silvadene Cream, another MUST, in your wound care cabinet! Silvadene is a prescription but inexpensive. It will heal HUGE wounds quickly, but don't be freake. Overnight the Silver in the cream oxidizes to a grey color. Just scrub with Hibiclens again the next day and re-apply the Silvadene.
Thank you I will try find this
Does it hurt if you squeeze it gently? If so, there might be pus in it. If you're a "picker", like me LOL, you can pick the scab off. Gently squeeze and see if a pus collection comes out. if not, clean with Hibiclens (in the bandaid section at pharmacy) for 5 minutes. Hibiclens is what we (Drs) use to scrub before surgery. It's a MUST in all cabinets for human and animal wound care because it actually kills ALL types for fungus, yeast, bacteria, and viruses after a gentle 10 minute scrub, and it KEEPS KILLING THEM FOR 24 HOURS! Then apply Silvadene Cream, another MUST, in your wound care cabinet! Silvadene is a prescription but inexpensive. It will heal HUGE wounds quickly, but don't be freake. Overnight the Silver in the cream oxidizes to a grey color. Just scrub with Hibiclens again the next day and re-apply the Silvadene.
Thank you

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