My hens neck was partially shut in the car door. Advice needed.

If the hen is behaving normally, then the injures are minor. However, even with no injuries, an accident like this can send a chicken into dangerous shock that can begin to shut down organs if untreated, and it can kill her. Treat with one cup of warm water with a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt and baking soda. give as her only water source for the next 48 hours.
I would keep her warm and separated tonight in a quiet spot inside. Offer the sugar water occasionally up to her beak. Electrolytes are also good. Mushy wet chicken feed and soft cooked egg are good when she acts hungry. Can you feel any puffy areas of air under her skin in the areas injured? Let us know how she is acting in the morning. I hope she gets along okay.
I would keep her warm and separated tonight in a quiet spot inside. Offer the sugar water occasionally up to her beak. Electrolytes are also good. Mushy wet chicken feed and soft cooked egg are good when she acts hungry. Can you feel any puffy areas of air under her skin in the areas injured? Let us know how she is acting in the morning. I hope she gets along okay.
I felt around her neck and the only thing I could feel was i guess best described as a small lump on the back of her neck that she didn't seem to care for me touching. She's gone into potato mode like they do when they sleep so it's hard to feel under her beak area. I'm going to keep her inside andnlbtrybthe sugar water. I'm hoping she makes it, she's my people person chicken and so sweet
If the hen is behaving normally, then the injures are minor. However, even with no injuries, an accident like this can send a chicken into dangerous shock that can begin to shut down organs if untreated, and it can kill her. Treat with one cup of warm water with a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt and baking soda. give as her only water source for the next 48 hours.

I would keep her warm and separated tonight in a quiet spot inside. Offer the sugar water occasionally up to her beak. Electrolytes are also good. Mushy wet chicken feed and soft cooked egg are good when she acts hungry. Can you feel any puffy areas of air under her skin in the areas injured? Let us know how she is acting in the morning. I hope she gets along okay.
Good Advice from Both!:goodpost:
Other than not much interested in food, shes walking around, standing and chirping. But I've never had my chickens want to eat when they're in chicken jail so it could just be that.
Other than not much interested in food, shes walking around, standing and chirping. But I've never had my chickens want to eat when they're in chicken jail so it could just be that.
If she's acting fairly normal, I'd put her with her flock and monitor her heavily. See that she's interacting o.k., not getting picked on and eating/drinking.

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