My huge roo broke his leg


Apr 17, 2024
Hilo Hawaii
Another roo got to him while I was gone. This is Leroy. A beloved pet. He's super sweet and friendly. I'm wondering what people have done to help them heal. He cannot walk so I thought of making a cradle for him to sit in with wheels for his good leg to roll him around.


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You could put him in a sling to take his weight off it. Put food, water and grit where he can reach it, and put him where the other rooster cannot attack him.
@DobieLover or @Eggcessive, any other suggestions?
This is what I was thinking. He's safe from others. Hes with three chicks and a mamma hen. I have food and water in front of him. I was going to make a sling tomorrow with some wheels I have around and let his good leg drop through so he can get some movement.
You can try the sling but I would assume that it would only complicate things. If there is no swelling then it is possible he just sprained it. I would just leave him alone for a while. As long as he is eating and drinking then he is fine. If he still can't move in a week then he might have a broken leg.
Another roo got to him while I was gone. This is Leroy. A beloved pet. He's super sweet and friendly. I'm wondering what people have done to help them heal. He cannot walk so I thought of making a cradle for him to sit in with wheels for his good leg to roll him around.

It must be a fracture. I cannot find a break or heavy swelling. I think nothing seems out of place. He just cannot put weight on it.
IME, even with a fracture you can usually feel it and there will be some bruising along with swelling.

You can try a sling to see if he will tolerate it, but it's a good idea to wrap/splint and/or stabilize the leg even if you sling him break/fracture mends the best it can. This will likely take a couple of months to heal relatively well, maybe more for a large rooster that is heavy.

If at all possible, it's best to see vet care and have an xray to see if the leg is broken or ....

Here's a splinting manual that you may find helpful

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