my little girls ears are really swollen. i need help.

john talks to chickens

In the Brooder
Apr 20, 2023
what can or should i do?


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Sorry to see your little girl is struggling. I’m going to tag some educators to get you help. Does she’s have injuries on her comb like from pecking or could it be something like pox? How is her breathing?

@Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive @azygous
i do believe we are dealing with fowlpox, her breathing is some times crakly but the vetrx has been helping with that. i want to put some neo on her soars, but have been told not a good idea and let them dry out. but it hurts me to see her like this.
Aw gosh I’m so sorry, I hate to hear that. I would feel that exact same way as you and be tempted to put neosporin on it, but you are correct, most say to let them dry out. I believe some people put betadine on the lesions to help them. Idk if something like witch hazel or aloe would help soothe them or not. The educators tagged will have some better information on fowl pox, hopefully they can offer some tips. Is anyone else in your flock affected? And have you checked the inside of her mouth/throat for lesions yet?
Aw gosh I’m so sorry, I hate to hear that. I would feel that exact same way as you and be tempted to put neosporin on it, but you are correct, most say to let them dry out. I believe some people put betadine on the lesions to help them. Idk if something like witch hazel or aloe would help soothe them or not. The educators tagged will have some better information on fowl pox, hopefully they can offer some tips. Is anyone else in your flock affected? And have you checked the inside of her mouth/throat for lesions yet?
my little serama have it, 6. 2 had it for about a week but got over it fast and are looking good, these other 2 have it and its harder on them, there eyes & ears.
What is your general location? Do you have mosquitoes out now? Have you seen your chickens pecking each other? Could you take more pictures of the 2 others that have it? If it is fowl pox, it usually goes away in 3-4 weeks. But make sure that she is eating and drinking normally. If anyone pecks her they can spread the pox to others or themselves. There is a vaccine available to those not yet exposed. It can take about 4 days after exposure for it to cause symptoms. Here is some reading about fowl pox:

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