My Mom wants me to get her a few small Birds... Need suggestions..

I personally find doves to be pretty boring. If you want singing, the canaries would be good. If she wants a very interactive pet, I'd go with a hand-raised Conure. Parakeets are find but a bit spastic. What about a pair of lovebirds?
Ring neck doves are awesome as long as she can put up with the comical "laughing' the males doo. And some will seem to do that non stop. But they are funny!

I would also suggest a budgie(parakeet). Moody, yet very loving, and comical birds. My little yellow guy doesn't like people, but he loves to sing and chatter to himself in the mornings. have never had to cover him for screaming, or screatching.
Little birds...I'm partial to Society finches over Zebras, I think they are prettier and I like their little beeps more. There are also more "fancy" varieties like Parrot finches and Owl finches. If not finches, then I would say Red rumped Parakeets. I absolutely LOVE the sound they make, I called mine the canaries of the parrot world. Budgies (what most people call parakeeets) are also fun. I love cockatiels, but the sound they make when they "yell" just kills my ears. It's one reason I stopped breeding them! They just hit the right pitch. Canaries can be nice, as long as you either like to get up with the sun rises, or can put the cage where it won't wake you up! I also really liked my ringneck dove, her voice was very pretty, nice, light cooing. They aren't very comical and entertaining though.

So, my vote is either for a few society finches or parakeets (more than one to keep each other occupied).
Finches breed like rabbits if you are not careful. I have owned Zebra and Society Finches. Zebras will fight if not given enough space, if you do them either go with all boys or all girls, they will still be happy. Society never fight, it is next to imposible to tell boys from girls unless you hear them sing out. I still have a small flock of society(5), they all pile into one nest to sleep at night. The parakeets or canaries are my fave because they poop down, finches tend to fling poop out the sides of the cage. They poop on the move, and it just flies. If you have a happy canarie be prepared to hear him, I've been given a few because they wouldn't sing. They must have liked my house, they never shut up, I'm weird so they drove me nuts. I finally got one that would only sing when you turned on the faucet, I loved him. Girl canaries are nice to, very quiet but just as colorful as the boys. Parakeets are nice also, if you don't plan on spending one on one time with it, get two , they will have a party every day. I've sold pet birds for so long I lost count. You will love them.
I have two male zebra inches, and they are a blast to watch. They hop around for hours, beeping and singing. Mine are almost at the point where I can call them tame! They thank me for filling seed/water cups, they sing to me when I pass by to talk to them, and one will tell me if the other is hogging the nest
. They're so cute!

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