My Muscovy got worse! Worms? Coccidia?

The Ranch Girl

Jun 27, 2022
My Coop
My Coop

So I made this post👆
About my duck looking pale, someone had said molting can cause that. I figured it was that too and was really relieved.
But the worst has come to happen…
She is now even MORE pale and is losing weight FAST. She is super slow and doesn’t want to walk much anymore and is having a hard time drinking and swallowing food. Pleas help me, I really am at wits end. I suspect worms so I gave her Valbezen wormer this morning. But I just went to check on her again this evening and she’s not any better. I know I’m supposed to do that for 5 days but I don't know what time I have left. Do you think Coccidia? What can I do for her?


Vs my others:
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I’m treating her water with Corid now, but she’s not making an effort to drink much and will only eat out of my hand, she isn’t walking much and when she does it’s SUPER slow. She has shade, water, and peas right now. I really need help here, she is our favorite and is loved by everyone. She’s my imprinted duck so loves me and everyone. She’s such a special duck…
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Can y’all help me out?
Sorry about your duck. I've never wormed or had a sick muscovy. Do you have mosquitoes and west nile in your area?

From Google,

"In general, birds that are susceptible to West Nile virus–associated disease can exhibit a variety of nonspecific clinical signs (eg, emaciation, dehydration, abnormal molt or feather loss, weakness, recumbency, drooped head, anorexia, lethargy, fluffed feathers) and neurological clinical signs (eg, ataxia, head tilt, ..."
Sorry about your duck. I've never wormed or had a sick muscovy. Do you have mosquitoes and west nile in your area?

From Google,

"In general, birds that are susceptible to West Nile virus–associated disease can exhibit a variety of nonspecific clinical signs (eg, emaciation, dehydration, abnormal molt or feather loss, weakness, recumbency, drooped head, anorexia, lethargy, fluffed feathers) and neurological clinical signs (eg, ataxia, head tilt, ..."
It’s ok, I understand I just am trying my best…
Yes we do have west Nile, however I read that ducks die from it within 3-4 days, I noticed her paleness and slower going pace about 3 weeks ago, it’s been a slow progression to this point.
I think I posted about a week ago.
When you told me about the molting I thought “for sure thats it!” So I left her alone, there wasn’t really anything I could do for her at that point either.
Everything else I read was saying it was molting too.
I crossed out anemia because she free ranges and gets all flock feed.
I’m treating for Coccidia if that is the case..
I’m treating for worms too.
Also I can’t find a treatment for west Nile, everyone is saying there is not cure for it and you just have to wait it out.
So I’m going to do that, I’ve given her shade, food, and water.
I’m just praying she will overcome whatever is going on with her.
She is in day 2 of wormer treatment and I gave her a water bath to cool her off.
Honestly I’ve never tried this hard for any of my other animals before.
Thank you for responding! I will keep looking into things, maybe someone has dealt with this sort of issue before.
In my experiences keeping various species of poultry they are either healthy, or they aren't. I personally haven't had much luck fixing anything long term myself. I do understand wanting to try. If you have access to a vet you could try antibiotics as a last resort.

West Nile is a virus, and you can only give supportive care which you already are doing.
What % protein feed is she getting? I’ve seen poultry become very very ill when they do not have the correct protein or nutrients for molting. Molting itself can make it very hard on their body because it depletes their vitamin and protein stores to grow new feathers. If they are not being fed those extra nutrients they will decline. When mine molt I always give Poultry Cell daily and they are on at least 20% protein even my ducks. Since doing this I haven’t had any ill acting molters since.
What % protein feed is she getting? I’ve seen poultry become very very ill when they do not have the correct protein or nutrients for molting. Molting itself can make it very hard on their body because it depletes their vitamin and protein stores to grow new feathers. If they are not being fed those extra nutrients they will decline. When mine molt I always give Poultry Cell daily and they are on at least 20% protein even my ducks. Since doing this I haven’t had any ill acting molters since.
She gets fed twice a day with Nutena All Flock, it is 20% protein, I also tried feeding her peas, I don’t know how much that would help. They have a huge pond with full access to it 24/7 and she usually goes down there all the time.
The thing that gets me is why none of the other females are acting like her, they have huge amounts of energy and aren’t laying, the haven’t layed for many months now.
She’s my imprinted duck so loves me and everyone. She’s such a special duck…
I feel your pain with your special duck being sick yet not knowing what is wrong nor how to treat. You have her on a good diet. You are keeping her safe and offering extra minerals and vitamins in her water. There is no specific symptom but it hurts "waiting and seeing".

Unfortunately, unless you can access a vet, you are doing the very best for her.

I doubt that she has West Nile or another viral infection. Bacterial infections should hsve revealed themselves by now. I've never had to treat a duck for coccidiosis. I have rescued ducks from unsavory places but none have been infected. I think you would have seen blood in the poop if coccidiosis were the problem , severe enough to cause her to become anemic (pale). However, in the face of no other diagnosis, treating her for coccidiosis seems reasonable. It woukd be a "trial of treatment" to see if it works.

If you girl does not have infection she could have a blood problem and only a vet can diagnose that. I doubt that there would be a reasonable treatment.

Or she could have an internal congenital anomaly or a tumor. Again only a vet can make these diagnoses.

My advice is carry on with her first class care; do not be concerned about watery poop as she is drinking but eating little. Give her lots of love and hope for the best. I hsve cared for a sick duck for 5 months until he eventually, and at the time unexpectedly, died. That was hard, but all my other sick ducks have recovered from whatever was ailing them, with just supportive care

You are doing your best. You cannot do more than that

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