Oct 11, 2008 #1 DuckLady Administrator BYC Staff Premium Feather Member 18 Years Jan 11, 2007 38,425 28,316 1,341 NE Washington State Her name is Lillian http://www.flickr.com/photos/duckavenger/2933387204/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/duckavenger/2932529331/in/photostream/
Her name is Lillian http://www.flickr.com/photos/duckavenger/2933387204/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/duckavenger/2932529331/in/photostream/
Oct 11, 2008 #2 gritsar Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY! 14 Years Nov 9, 2007 28,913 479 681 SW Arkansas Ohhhhhhh, if I give you my SO's e-mail address will you tell him how much I need a new baby for Christmas?
Ohhhhhhh, if I give you my SO's e-mail address will you tell him how much I need a new baby for Christmas?
Oct 11, 2008 #3 Tuffoldhen Flock Mistress 12 Years Jan 30, 2007 7,502 101 301 WV Boy are you going to have fun with that! My GF just got one and she loves it. Love the material!!!
Oct 11, 2008 #5 shelleyd2008 the bird is the word 11 Years Sep 14, 2008 23,381 203 351 Adair Co., KY Ok sorry to be such a XXXX, but what is it?? Please watch your wording in the future. Profanity is not allowed here. Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2008
Ok sorry to be such a XXXX, but what is it?? Please watch your wording in the future. Profanity is not allowed here.
Oct 11, 2008 #6 debilorrah The Great Guru of Yap Premium Feather Member 11 Years Aug 25, 2008 39,693 184 423 The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center WOW what IS that??? I am not a very crafty person when it gets complicated....
Oct 11, 2008 #7 Picky Chicky Songster 11 Years Sep 22, 2008 965 14 141 Holly Grove, VA Ok I give up... what is it??
Oct 11, 2008 #8 redoak Songster 11 Years Feb 27, 2008 3,267 114 211 Russia, NY Wow, I bet you can make alot of chicken saddles with that.
Oct 11, 2008 #9 wendy On the Hill 12 Years Jun 14, 2007 1,683 6 169 central louisiana Quote: dont feel bad, i dont know what it is either wendy p.s. terrie did mention something in one thread about something new she was getting soon, but i forgot what it was called
Quote: dont feel bad, i dont know what it is either wendy p.s. terrie did mention something in one thread about something new she was getting soon, but i forgot what it was called
Oct 11, 2008 #10 DouglasPeeps Songster 11 Years Feb 26, 2008 1,258 8 171 Colorado Quote: dont feel bad, i dont know what it is either wendy p.s. terrie did mention something in one thread about something new she was getting soon, but i forgot what it was called I don't know what it is either.
Quote: dont feel bad, i dont know what it is either wendy p.s. terrie did mention something in one thread about something new she was getting soon, but i forgot what it was called I don't know what it is either.