My new flock -- priceless!!

Now, I don't feel so bad! I started out wanting 5 hens and a rooster. That's all. Just enough to give me something to do in my 'spare time', and a few eggs in the fridge.

Dog brought one home. Got 3 more. THEN we built the coop and cleaned out the old hen house we inherited when we bought the property.

Big space, room for more. Daughter's friend's family giving some away. Gee, think I'll take 5 hens and a rooster.

Neighbor giving away chickens. I'll take 5 more hens.

Another neighbor giving away new mama and 9 babes. I'll take 'em!!

Question is, now that hubby built the Hen Hilton for mom and babes.......when do I tell him about the "other" mom to be and her 11 egg clutch that same neighbor thinks I need to have?? Before or after we extend the coop and hen house??
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Doncha just luv it?
Any chance you can just sneak them in?

Dog brought one home.

OK, I really want to hear this story, chicken-mama !!!​
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A few winters ago....we spotted a RIR Roo...laying in the field.he was frostbit, and weak...and had a bad leg. I just COULDNT let him lay there, so my son goes out and brings him into the garage. After getting him settled...I run to the store...what do you feed a chicken i wondered??? So many choices...will he want scratch? Sure....cracked corn?? Looks good....Oh and one of those neat little water thingys....and a heat lamp, he must be cold from being out there....ok, back home..."Ollie" Is settling in. A few days later, he is much he needs a little fenced yard..and a "house" So...we get a corner of the shed..." Its ok honey, just one little rooster!"
Ollie looks great...stronger than ever....but he looks lonely....I bet he needs a friend.....or two....or three!! So, Off I trot, like cupid to get Olie a friend. I come home with 3 fats llittle hens...Golden Comets? Ok, as long as he likes them. He is Soooo happy...and the girls are sellting in nicely. But they look a little bigger place in the shop...for the 4 of them? DH growls...but helps...and now they are settled in...8 nest boxes....I want thenm to have a choice...and a nice fenced in 60x80 yard. They are content...scratching..I am happy...for a few weeks.
They look so small in that big yard...they need friends!!!
So Off I go, to get a "few" more...I come home with 10 peeps. DH is madder than a wet hen! LOL A few more weeks go by, they are ready to let out with the others....NOW I am content...winter sets in, and we all laze what?? Spring is coming...I am getting chicken fever!! :DMaybe I should get a bator...or, no, mother nature will take over.....wont she??? Im getting the peep itch...I cant stand it...I have to get to the phone, make some calls...I need an order form please!! HELP! IM ADDICTED!!!!
I am not alone!!!!!
gottagettanottachickenaholics......unite!! oh, wait....we's called BYC!!!!
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Dog brought first chicken to us......

Sat down to dinner one January night last year, heard a very strange sound. Hubby, kids, everybody gets up to investigate. Find recently rescued black lab standing in front yard with what looks to be a half dead chicken at her feet. She's smiling, so proud of her find. what?

The chicken has a huge, gaping hole in her side, under one wing. Put the poor thing in a dog kennel in hubby's shop for the night. Fully expecting to find it dead the next day, to my surprise, it was standing up looking as if I was entirely too late with breakfast. The "huge" hole was simply a tear in the skin. (It healed very nicely)

We had no decent coop for it, the hen house is some 40 years old, with holes in the floor, the roof leaks terribly.

Off to the feed store for food. Fix up a better space for it. Decide it MUST be a rooster. Nobody wants a rooster around here. Guess I'll keep it.

I type up an ad: "Lonely rooster seeks hens to fill his harem. Sharing is essential, patience will be demanded. All inquiries, please call......" Now hubby is certain I've lost my mind. Little does he know, that happened with delivery of last child!

I get three hens, still don't really have a 'real' coop for them, but all they really need is food and love, right???

A fellow "chicken lady" came for a visit, and informed me that "Lucky" was actually a "Lucy".

Hmmmm......sounds like a good reason to continue my chicken quest, right???

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