My new flock -- priceless!!

I am waiting on my camera to come in the mail....I want to get a few pics of Mr C.....he is my main man! Sooo pretty..a mutt I am sure, but colorfull! Hopefully I an get pics posted by end of the week!
They look great chicken-mama! Nice big run too ( = room for more!!!
I've throughly enjoyed my addiction too! Luckily there was a boxstall on the place when we bought it that DH converted into a chicken coop w/brooder set up. Added on a nice big run & now we're building another outta free wood pallets.
Just purchased my 1st batch of peeps this year from Estes hatchery & getting an incubator in 2wks. Oh, did I forget to mention adding some Royal Palm turkeys as well. And I still hafta get some Delawares, Colubian Wyandottes, Anconas......hmmm...what else.....oh yes, BLR Wyandottes, Buttercups & my list goes on & on & on . LOL!

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