My new plan

My new plan for keeping a control on my eggs is that I will use two incubators continuously and mark the Lok Down date on every egg I add. Then I have a 3rd incubator that will not turn and be solely used for Lok Down eggs. Does anyone see any flaw with this plan?
How will you keep from opening the lock down incubator?

I guess it could work if you were careful and quick at opening it.

Maybe I don’t understand completely, why three incubators?
I don’t see it as any different than removing chicks while there are still eggs waiting to hatch. It’s quick and the temp of the eggs doesn’t change.
Just spike the humidity before opening, grab them quick and you won’t have issues. The only flaw I can see is eggs that don’t hatch and stay in lockdown purgatory indefinitely, just make sure you clean out the duds every so often!
I don’t see it as any different than removing chicks while there are still eggs waiting to hatch. It’s quick and the temp of the eggs doesn’t change.

How will you keep from opening the lock down incubator?

I guess it could work if you were careful and quick at opening it.

Maybe I don’t understand completely, why three incubators?

You’re right, 3 incubators are not necessary. I wanted to have a system that would allow me to add eggs and have a continuous process going. Two incubators would work. I think the key is having the eggs marked and keep up with when they should go into Lok Down. The eggs are at 99.5 degrees and I think there is room for a slight deviation and the humidity just helps soften the shells. I don’t believe the slight deviation in temp or humidity is enough to affect the hatch.

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