My poor Easter Egger is unable to walk!

Susies Zoo

In the Brooder
6 Years
May 3, 2013
Kingston ON Canada
Hello...well it has taken about 3 days to figure out how to write a post on here but voila!! Figured it out!! Now, if someone could help me figure out what is wrong with my poor little hen it would be a great day! Last Friday I went to let them out of the coop and I noticed Rainbow was dragging her leg. Her toes are curled up but she does have function in them and she can't stand on it. I have felt up and down both legs and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong, she just won't use it. We put a splint on it and that seemed to make it worse as she was tripping over it so we took it off. She is eating & drinking& pooping fine. Any ideas??
I'm sure sorry nobody has helped...and I'm not going to be much either. I suggest you try searching the site by typing in "hen won't walk" or "hen has curled toes and can't walk". Something as to what's happening with her. Perhaps an old thread will come up with information on it that will help you.

I'm figuring you have checked good for injury, and found no sign. Let me know if you find anything. I've had hens start limping, and when I checked them out can't find anything wrong. I'll keep them quiet, in a small area so they can't move around much, and within a few days they're usually better.

Hope you can find something out.
Oh thank you so much for checking around for me! I have her in the house in a bunny cage. I took her for a little visit to the coop and put her on the ground beside the run and all the others were peeping at her just chattering away! I am going to buy some vitamins E today and see if that helps. I will also try what you said about looking for older posts. Still trying to figure out this site!
Is it possible that there is something in her foot that is causing her pain when she puts pressure on it. Such as a small splinter or poop balls.

This thread sort of explains what I mean by poop balls. And although on here they state it is from neglect; I believe, it is possible in any situation. I had the same thing happen on my foot with a grain of sand that got stuck in a small cut (sounds disgusting but I was like 8 and never worse shoes no matter how many times my mom said you are gonna step on something) anyways enough rambling, here is the link:
Thanks for the links and info!! I bought some niacin & vitamine e tablets today. Does anyone know how much I should administer? I have inspected her foot and I don't see anything. I am going to give her a tub tonight since she is pretty dirty from not being able to walk away when she poops. Hopefully I can get a better look at her then! Everyone has been very helpful...Rainbow and I thank you all :)
Well poor Rainbow is still not walking. She is still eating and drinking without any problems and her poop is normal. We have started antibiotic treatment in hopes that whatever is going on will be corrected. I made modifications to her cage so she doesn't slip and can get a better grip. I just hope it isn't too late :(
One of the symptoms of Mareks Disease is limping and then paralysis. I have a lot of experience with this but don't want to alarm you. I hope for your sake it is not Marek's but you might just want to do some reading on this.
Thanks Pigcoon...I have done quite a bit of reading about Marek's the last few days and I am hopeing that it is not :( I have 11 pullets from a hatchery and assume they have been vaccinated. I got the 3 Easter eggers from a local farm and pretty sure they were not. I am going to email her to see what her situation is....if she is having problems, did she vaccinate etc.
one of the ee's came with crooked toes and the other one seems fine. Both of them are Roos. So in summary...1 with crooked toes, one with possible Marek's and one that is fine.
Does this mean I will never be able to have chickens from a farm and only from a hatchery? This disease scares the heck out of me!
Thanks Pigcoon...I have done quite a bit of reading about Marek's the last few days and I am hopeing that it is not :( I have 11 pullets from a hatchery and assume they have been vaccinated. I got the 3 Easter eggers from a local farm and pretty sure they were not. I am going to email her to see what her situation is....if she is having problems, did she vaccinate etc.
one of the ee's came with crooked toes and the other one seems fine. Both of them are Roos. So in summary...1 with crooked toes, one with possible Marek's and one that is fine.
Does this mean I will never be able to have chickens from a farm and only from a hatchery? This disease scares the heck out of me!
have been reading your thread having a similar problem with my hen and wondering what you found out about yours or it something helped. Thank you!

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