My poor girl keeps laying eggs that aren't formed and she doesn't have egg peritonitis. What is it and how do i treat it?

Crazy chickn lady

In the Brooder
Nov 19, 2023
Perth, Western Australia
Please refer to the photos as it is hard to explain what has been happening to her lately.
The white thing is a very soft shell and the yellow is obviously the egg yolk.
That was this morning while standing there she just pushes this out like a poo.
Yesterday morning was messy, yolk was in the coop and then she pushed the soft broken egg shell and the rest of the yolk mixed in with some poo a bit later - at least a few hours after she did it in the coop.
At first she was laying consistent everyday almost (shes only 1 year old), and only had a couple of soft shelled egg incidents. That gradually became more frequent and now she laying egg yolk and broken soft shelled eggs every second morning and a good egg every other morning. So it was a good one one day then bad then good etc.etc. i went to the vet about it and the vet said she looked and behaved healthy (she does), she doesn't have egg peritonitis as the abdomen was not swollen and she must of passed it all through her. Which is good, but she has done it two days in a row now, yesterday being exceptionally bad and also noticed that her crop has not fully emptied the past two days.. yesterday morning it was still full but fixed that. But this morning it still has a little bit of food in it. I'm concerned this egg laying problem is causing the ph balance in her crop to become imbalanced.
I just want to know what it is and what i can do to help her so it doesn't get worse. Hormone treatment? Get ovaries removed? Is it a defective shell gland?


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Layer crumble, and twice-three times a week give them a mix of greens (kale, bok choy, peas, broccoli all finely chopped), oats, scrambled eggs, cauliflower occasionally, mealworms once a week or half energy block shared between the 6 of them and mixed in with the above. Occasionally they get sprouted seeds. None of the others have this issue, only her, and they are all on the same diet.
Layer crumble, and twice-three times a week give them a mix of greens (kale, bok choy, peas, broccoli all finely chopped), oats, scrambled eggs, cauliflower occasionally, mealworms once a week or half energy block shared between the 6 of them and mixed in with the above. Occasionally they get sprouted seeds. None of the others have this issue, only her, and they are all on the same diet.
You seem to be feeding them well. I would add oyster shell to the food, or give her some kind of calcium supplement.
@Crazy chickn lady

Right now you need to give her extra calcium for a few days maybe a week. Otherwise you could end up with an internal infection.
You need to get good shells on those eggs.

Calcium Citrate with vitamin D is the most easily absorbed but any calcium supplement will help. Even Tums. You'll need to just open her beak and pop it in. Don't let her spit it out.

Once her calcium levels come up her shells should normalize. You can't always trust they will eat enough oyster shell if you put it out. Or she may just have a deficiency. I have one girl like that. Now that her shells are mostly normal I still give her a calcium supplement once a week.

Once this is fixed re check and see if you think there is still a crop issue.
Try giving her a human calcium citrate with vitamin D tablet for the next 7 days. You can find that under $9 (Equate brand) at Walmart. Give 300-600 mg daily. That will help rule out a calcium deficiency, versus a shell gland or salpingitis issue. I would limit all of the extras in her diet, and make the layer feed the main part of her diet. She is getting a lot of goodies, when her layer feed has exactly what she needs. An occasional treat is fine, but her calcium level might not be enough. Extra protein might help. Does she have crushed oyster shell available in a separate container for when she needs it?

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