My rooster and his dad. Any idea on breed?


Mar 24, 2024
The rooster in the rocking chair is my Fred, the other one is his dad, he belongs to a friend of mine who can’t remember his breed. She has over 70 chickens and has been chickening for years and years, so he could be anything. It’s not important I’m just curious. (I was thinking Maran, but the comb isn’t right).


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Dad looks like a serious dude. Very handsome boys!
Yes dad does look like all business and no play. My Fred on the other hand is silliest SPOILED rooster. This boy won’t eat bread unless I take the crust off, and only eats the beans out of the green beans. And sleeps in my rocking chair.
Fred’s dad looks like a black laced red Wyandotte, so Fred is half that :)
What’s the other half I wonder? Fred’s wattles are crazy long. It doesn’t matter, I love him no matter what he is. Hmm do they do DNA tests on chickens, like they do dogs lol.

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