In the Brooder
- Apr 12, 2024
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I agree. A good rooster will give his life for his girls. We had a terror of a rooster that was way to aggressive and didn't protect the girls at all and had to cull him, the one we have now is friendly, handsome and watches his girls like a hawk.I agree with @WoDia I had a rooster with similar problems who would chase and hurt one of my hens in my early chicken keeping years and after he stopped for a time I assumed that all would be fine...fast forward to a week later when I left on a short trip and came back to find my hen scalped, near death, and in the long run she developed ocd of roosters. If you are experiencing rooster aggression towards your hens you need to start thinking of different options for your rooster. It isn’t fair to your hens especially when there are so many good roosters out there.