my rooster seems deathe on his death bed

Do you have any antibiotics or any Corid you could start him on tonight? He may have cocci or her he may have something else, but I would either give him Corid or Duramycin10. If you could get some Sulfadimethoxine (Di-Methox) it would do both to treat the cocci and some other infection. You need to make him drink it. Check him over for mites.
I think if you can get your hands on what cafarmgirl mentioned she gave some solid advice. You might also check his crop. The rooster we have that is sick right now was sick as a younger chick with falling down and acting strangely, not able to hold head up and it ended up being an impacted crop. We force fed him water and Nutri-drench, massaged his crop while holding him upside down and after 24 hours and several times of doing this he recovered.
were can you get corid or any of the above mentioned things. he trys to get up but cant. which antibiotics should we give him?
ok.which antibiotics would be best for tonight? he threw up a little and it was clear
If you can get the Di-Methox, Sulfamed G, or Albon (all same drug) get that. If not try the Corid for cocci. How does his crop feel--is is swollen or flat? These would be at any feed store.
his crop feels flat and when I picked him up he was moving his head like a snake does. we have none of the antibiotics that is mentioned.

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