My SHTF flock

It's a bit crazy here at the moment. I have 6 hens raising 29 chicks between 4 days and 4 weeks old and another one sitting. None of them pairings I actually wanted, but some chicks do look promising. They are all from the barred rooster with New Hampshire hens, buff Sussex hen and the rir hen.

The Barred rooster kept on breaking out of the other coop in the most impossible ways, so he is visiting the 2 aseel cross hens on a friend's farm.

We are going away for a couple of weeks so for now I will just let everyone be and then focus on getting the correct eggs hatched

Following this!

I like full free range but can not do that here even with good free range chickens. The coons are a big problem with this here. They get smart to where they roost in the trees and take birds. Then its the owls. Great horned owls that take them out of the trees as well.

Something close to game that isn't is Phoenix if its available where you are.

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