My silkie rooster stopped crowing


In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2024
I have a 7mo old satin silkie rooster who about a month ago stopped crowing. We had to remove the 5 silkies from the big coop because the big ones started attacking the little ones. So we moved them to a smaller coop near the other one. Since moving he’s been kinda mopy seeming and hasn’t crowed since. Hen I’m with them and let them out to play in the yard he is bright eyes and bushy tailed. He’s always wanting to be near me it seems. He is super clumsy always has been but seems more so. I’m hoping he isn’t sick. I’m not seeing really anything visible that would indicate sickness. He is eating and all poop in coop/run seem normal. He just is not himself. I feel so sad I’m not sure what to do

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