My Turken chick has a weird wound on her neck


Feb 28, 2025
Hey y’all, my Turken is about 3 weeks old and is growing normal, eats and drinks normal, but last week she had a small spot on her neck that looked like a small circle wound. I came back after a week of
Visiting family, and it had turned into a much larger problem (my parents don’t know how to take care of chicks). I have started spraying it with Banixx and it is getting a little better after just a day but it almost looks like little skin tumors or something and the longer piece looks like skin, everything is covered in dry blood. Has anyone seen this before? I never have, and I don’t see the other chicks picking at her either. Thoughts or suggestions?


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What kind of heat source do you have? It almost looks like a burn blister that tore open but it's hard to say. Sort of looks like she may have been scalped too but that is usually on top of the head from what I've seen. The dried blood could be a result of her scratching it or the others pecking at it.

I would separate from the others. Just because you don't see them picking on her doesn't mean it isn't happening when you aren't around. A physical barrier that still allows them to see each other will help keep her from getting lonely. Keep up the spray and maybe even slather on some antibiotic ointment (w/o pain relief in it) to keep the scab moist and prevent cracking/itchiness/bleeding.
What kind of heat source do you have? It almost looks like a burn blister that tore open but it's hard to say. Sort of looks like she may have been scalped too but that is usually on top of the head from what I've seen. The dried blood could be a result of her scratching it or the others pecking at it.

I would separate from the others. Just because you don't see them picking on her doesn't mean it isn't happening when you aren't around. A physical barrier that still allows them to see each other will help keep her from getting lonely. Keep up the spray and maybe even slather on some antibiotic ointment (w/o pain relief in it) to keep the scab moist and prevent cracking/itchiness/bleeding.
I have a red bulb beat lamp and it’s plenty high that she can’t have touched it. It also has the guard on it to keep chickens from flying up and hitting the hot bulb. And ok I was going to use the ointment, I had the same thought process. My only other concern is this is Marek’s tumors/wounds… but none of the other chicks are showing any symptoms like Goldie is.
Hey y’all, my Turken is about 3 weeks old and is growing normal, eats and drinks normal, but last week she had a small spot on her neck that looked like a small circle wound. I came back after a week of
Visiting family, and it had turned into a much larger problem (my parents don’t know how to take care of chicks). I have started spraying it with Banixx and it is getting a little better after just a day but it almost looks like little skin tumors or something and the longer piece looks like skin, everything is covered in dry blood. Has anyone seen this before? I never have, and I don’t see the other chicks picking at her either. Thoughts or suggestions?
Looks like she may have had the skin ripped by another bird.

Is she with a Mama hen or around other adult chickens?

I'd continue to clean the wound and apply triple antibiotic ointment.
Keep her separated but near her flock if possible so the wounds can heal and the others don't pick at her.
That looks like dried blood thought? It is a turken their skin is exposed for the world to peck. Bluecote and isolate is my thoughts. -M
Thank you, I will isolate her tomorrow when I can get the proper material and medications. Thank you for your input.
Looks like she may have had the skin ripped by another bird.

Is she with a Mama hen or around other adult chickens?

I'd continue to clean the wound and apply triple antibiotic ointment.
Keep her separated but near her flock if possible so the wounds can heal and the others don't pick at her.
Yeah the skin looks torn to me also, she has a little blood on a claw of hers so she may have been itching. It is just her and 4 other chicks. I am separating her tomorrow when I can get the materials and then getting other meds for her too. Thanks for the input.

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