My two male pekins


Jun 25, 2024
Hello! So I have a question my two drake pekins bob their head towards eachother well one of them starts doing and gets very close to my other Pekin and then he starts doing it but it’s only when I change their water? But I have another drake and he’s a Rouen and my Pekin drake bites his back feathers and try’s to get on top of him so what is going on
Hello! So I have a question my two drake pekins bob their head towards eachother well one of them starts doing and gets very close to my other Pekin and then he starts doing it but it’s only when I change their water? But I have another drake and he’s a Rouen and my Pekin drake bites his back feathers and try’s to get on top of him so what is going on

I have 4 female runners and they bob their heads to eachother when the are happy or excited. Especially if I give them peas or fresh water. I know ducks bob there heads when flirting but the also do it when there excited or happy
Head bobbing -- mallard derived ducks do it and it is a good inter-duck behavior.

I have a muscovy drake that was bonded with my pekin drake from when they were rescued little fluffies. The muscovy learned to head bob in response to the pekin. Sadly the Pekin died last year, but this year I got another rescued pekin drake. He has had a hard time integrating with my muscovy as he is a bossy little duck, but the muscovy that head bobs has started to head bob with him!!!

Drakes mounting drakes is most commonly dominance behavior but occasionally a drake who does not have access to females will try and sexually mount another drake
Head bobbing -- mallard derived ducks do it and it is a good inter-duck behavior.

I have a muscovy drake that was bonded with my pekin drake from when they were rescued little fluffies. The muscovy learned to head bob in response to the pekin. Sadly the Pekin died last year, but this year I got another rescued pekin drake. He has had a hard time integrating with my muscovy as he is a bossy little duck, but the muscovy that head bobs has started to head bob with him!!!

Drakes mounting drakes is most commonly dominance behavior but occasionally a drake who does not have access to females will try and sexually mount another drake
Aww that’s terrible glad he has another friend but thank you I was so confused about it I didn’t know what he was trying to do I know it could mean he’s happy but he was getting closer and closer to my other drake when he was bobbing his head so thats why I had to say something to make sure but yeah my two pekins always have been together

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