My Wellsummer is an Ahole!!!


5 Years
Apr 1, 2019
Spokane, Washington
I have a flock of about 30 hens of various ages, sizes and breeds. My newest members are about 6months now which is 1 Wellsummer, 2 Barred Rock, 1 Legbar and 1 Faverolles. All has been well until recently my Wellsummer attacks 1 older little cochen partrige. I mean she beelines it for her, so now my little hen hides, and makes baby noises all the time. It's very sad.
I have taken to locking my Wellsummer out of the run during the day so that hopefully my little hen can eat and get water. But I also noticed that now a couple others have started chasing (bluebell especially) her becuase of my wellsummer.
What to do?
Did your welsummer draw blood or cause injury? If not put her back in. The more you try to stop the pecking order being sorted the longer it will take and you continue to have the scuffles. The welsummer is the new kid on the block and just trying to make sure that she doesn’t end up on the bottom. When young chickens get put in with older ones if they don’t they to assert themselves immediately they end up bullied straight to the bottom. Again if no injuries set up multiple waterers/feeders, make sure there is clutter for them to hide under/behind and let them sort it out.
She hasn't drawn blood yet, but she is much larger than the old little hen she it attacking. The older hen has lost alot of weight as she just hides in the coop now, she is afraid to eat. I don't know what to do, that's why I took the other out.
They have all been together for several months now. And the little hen is very docile.
She hasn't drawn blood yet, but she is much larger than the old little hen she it attacking. The older hen has lost alot of weight as she just hides in the coop now, she is afraid to eat. I don't know what to do, that's why I took the other out.
They have all been together for several months now. And the little hen is very docile.
Try @HollowOfWisps advice and add more waterers and feeders. It really does help. And providing your little hen an area she can hide would be good.

I don't think removing the welsummer will help much because the little hen is already a target to others.
I'll try again, there are 2 of each water/food now and flock blocks as well. And when I get home from work I let them all out to forage.
I just don't think the little hen will come out of the coop :(

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