Mysterious chicken disease.


In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2024
Hey guys. Looking for some help with my chickens. Over the last week or two I’ve lost 3 birds. All of them have had the same symptoms. first white diarrhea, then their wings get droopy and almost drag on the ground. After this they become lethargic and disoriented and then die. This has happened to the three chickens all within a couple days of the symptoms starting. There has been no coughing or mucus or anything that seems respiratory. The 3 birds that have died were all 13 weeks old. I now have another presenting symptoms that is 18 weeks old. I’ve bought electrolyte with lactobacillus and have disinfected their entire coop. What could be the cause though? The main symptom presenting before the lethargy and disorientation which shortly after follows death is the droopy wings. So far the timeline has been diarrhea 2-3 days, droopy wings 2 days and then severe disorientation and lethargy 1 day or less and then death.
Are these chickens new to you? Where did they come from? Is it very hot there? How hot is your coop and run, and is there shade for them and the waterers? Are they drinking? What is your location and what state? If you lose another, keep the body cold on ice in a cooler or in a refrigerator wrapped in garbage bags. Call your state vet in the am how to get a necropsy. Here is a list of most state vet labs:
Are these chickens new to you? Where did they come from? Is it very hot there? How hot is your coop and run, and is there shade for them and the waterers? Are they drinking? What is your location and what state? If you lose another, keep the body cold on ice in a cooler or in a refrigerator wrapped in garbage bags. Call your state vet in the am how to get a necropsy. Here is a list of most state vet labs:
They are not new to me. I have had them the entire 13 weeks. Bought them as Chicks from Bomgaars. It has been in the high 80’s low 90’s the last couple weeks. They get morning sun but are against a tree line that gets full shade after about 12pm. They have been drinking and eating. I’m located in central Texas.
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They may be dehydrated, but I would probably get some Corid from your feed store right away, just in case this is coccidiosis. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid Corid, or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days as the only source of water. Are you having any outbreaks of diseases in your area? What state is it?
They may be dehydrated, but I would probably get some Corid from your feed store right away, just in case this is coccidiosis. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid Corid, or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days as the only source of water. Are you having any outbreaks of diseases in your area? What state is it?
I have corid powder on hand so that’s helpful. I’ll go ahead and administer that. I’m located in Centeal Texas. No disease outbreaks that I know of. I’m in several Facebook groups but haven’t noticed anyone mentioning disease outbreak.

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