Mystery: bald tummies, egg production down- what could it be??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 19, 2011
Seattle, WA
Hi all,

Please help with this mystery condition:

My 6 hens are about a year and a half old and several months ago their egg production went waaay down and now I am only getting 2 eggs a day from 6 hens. We also have one hen that lays rubber-shelled eggs and one that lays thin shelled eggs. The other two eggs seem normal. I haven't seen blue-green eggs from my two americaunas in forever.

We had a 7th hen that died suddenly a couple months ago- she was the biggest and what seemed like the strongest, no signs of illness. After she died i checked her for impacted egg and sour crop, but she had neither.

The rest of the hens look perfectly normal except that their bellies are bald! I haven't noticed them molting yet, but no other feathers are missing! None of them are broody, so i don't think they're pulling their own feathers out, and i've checked for lice (no visible lice or eggs near vent, even after a warm butt bath in soapy water). I've also examined the coop for mites- no visible mites in the coop, none on the chickens. I've checked both in the middle of the day, and at night (11pm and 5 in the morning). I've rubbed the perches, their legs, and ruffled them all with a white cloth and i get no mites falling off and no red or brown streaks. I cleaned out the coop with 10% bleach water and dusted with DE anyway, dusted all the hens, and put plenty of DE down in their bathing areas. That was a week ago.

When i first cleaned out the coop, there were these little larvae (pictured) in the poopy bedding- i assume they are fly larvae because they're kind of big, but could they be something that's bothering my hens?

I've also tried egg boost (minerals and vitamins) in their water and giving them even more oyster shell than normal.

I can't go back to store-bought eggs and am thinking that i need to replace some of the hens... but i want to give them another chance, and don't want to introduce new hens to an unhealthy coop if i've got something going on in there.

Any ideas?? Thanks for your help!

I would think that they are going through Molt....that is what mine are doing and hardly any eggs from the older hens.

As for the bugs: I have no clue?

Hope someone else gets you some answers!
Thanks erijn, I thought it might be molting, but they aren't losing feathers anywhere else and have been like this for a while...

Nobody has any ideas about the bugs??? Someone has to have experience with this...
my hens pull out fethers when they want to go broody, and even if they dont have eggs they can just set on the empty nest for a long time... are they eating and drinking or do they just set on the nest get up and grab a drink and go poo, a big poo would kinda conferm they are trying to go broody, if they all go at the same time that will take out your egg production. thoes bugs are weird though take them to a feed store in a jar and see what they say I will look at them again... what kind of birds are they again?
They don't seem to be broody- everyone is out eating and drinking and pooping normally. The breeds are 2 americaunas (i haven't seen a blue-green egg in 6 months, probably!), 1 buff orpington, 1 red sex link, 1 barred rock, 1 buff brahma.

The (very knowledgeable) guy at the feed store recommended that i try apple cider vinegar in the water for 2 days, then 2 days of probiotics in the water, then 3 days of water, repeat. I still haven't discovered what the larvae are...

Are mites always visible? Could i have mites or lice and just not be able to see them??

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