NAIS concerns

* Hey, Jeff. Let's see-- It's a big push to register, tag and track every species of domesticly-raised animal. . .and any/every place that domestic animals are raised . . Anybody, is that close enough? There is a lot of potential for rules, regulations and restrictions that could make things very tough to raise livestock on a small scale. . .
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Here in Wi, for the last three years it has been mandatory to register your premise. I comply with the laws, cause I'm a law abiding citizen. I never have to look over my shoulders for any reason and like it that way, as GOD is my witness

Nothing has changed for me and the law hasen't cost me one cent.
Consequences for those that don't want to comply, have yet to be seen.
It is no concern of mine.....I don't have a problem with the program so far, after three years experience.

Not freaking out at all!

Thanks be to GOD....

Right now registering your premise is not costing anything. If NAIS goes into full effect, then is when you will see the cost come about. There will be a fee for the premise ID, and every animal will have to be tagged with an NAIS approved tag.
They do not have a cost estimate on the tags yet. I have spoken to several NAIS committee members, and they will only tell me that the cost per tag will be somewhere between $3.00 and $30.00 per tag.

No you will not have to report riding your horse around the block, but you will have to report trail rides, shows, rodeos, etc.

And as far as the big chicken operations, when we have to tag every animal, they will only have to have 1 tag for a house of chickens, and that house holds thousands of birds.
So, they only will pay for the cost of 1 tag to cover an entire house of chickens. If we have 100 chickens, we have to pay for 100 tags.

I follow the law, and right now I pay a yearly fee to Texas Animal Health Commission to be able to take my chickens off my property, to a show, an auction, or a swap meet and to sell fertile eggs. This fee is based on how many chickens I own. The fee ranges from $25.00 - $750.00 a year. I then have to keep a record of the name & address of everyone who bought a chicken from me for 2 years, and have to produce these records if asked to, by the TX. Animal Commission or pay hefty fines compounded until I comply with the law.
I have to have a Pullorum-Typhoid clean flock, and have to have the premise inspected by TX Animal Health yearly to be able sell chickens and eggs other than on my property.

I believe this is enough, I don't think we need to add NAIS on top of this, as they tell me that the NAIS laws will be in addition to any state laws already in effect.

Call any and all of your representatives and let them know we do not want NAIS in any form to pass. Most of them won't even know what you are talking about. We found out that they only know that this is supposed to stop the spread of disease. Which it won't!

It'll be complacency like this that'll allow this terribly onerous and expensive bit of legislation passed.

It most certainly does apply to the backyard farmer, far more than it does for the commercial feedlot people. They only have to track 'lots', groups of animals, we have to track every single chick, goat, cat, dog, whatever. Read up on the legislation before you defend it. From the site:

The National Animal ID program was originally designed to give the big beef producers help in getting export markets which required disease controls. The idea is that every single livestock animal in the United States will be identified and tagged. All livestock animal movements will be tracked, logged and reported to the government. The benefit is to the big factory farms who probably do need this type of regulation. They get to do single ID’s for large groups of animals. Small farmers, pet owners and homesteaders will have to tag and track every single animal.

There are no exceptions - even small farms that sell direct to local consumers will be required to pay the fees and file all the paper work on all their animals. Even horse, llama and other pet owners will be required to participate in NAIS. Homesteaders who raise their own meat and grandma with her one egg hen will also have to register their homes as ‘farm premises’ and obtain a Premise ID, tag all their animals and submit all the paperwork and fees. Absurd? Yes - There are no exceptions under the current NAIS plan. The USDA has slipped this plan in the back door without any legislation. This is going to be very expensive and guess who is going to pay for it in higher food prices… You!​
I got "the Letter" in October. I emailed the person back with a strongly worded letter...
I have a whopping 2 whoel chickens that are pets...

So if I wanted to take them to a petshop I'd have to call up and tell the people in charge that I was going to my Petco, how long I was going to be, what we were going to do and then call when I came back home...Goddess help me if I went to PetSmart rather than Petco! I could loose my birds because they didn't go to the place where I said they were going to go...

Stupid isn't it? I'd have to call if I took my birds to the McD's drive through for FrenchFries. Even if they didn't even leave the car.
WOW!!! So what Parsonswife is saying is that if you sign up (or are signed up) as a "premise" that you are effectively giving the government your property rights!!!!!!!!

I hadn't caught that, so thank you Parsonswife, for pointing that out.

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