Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Love the chicks & NN's! They are all so pretty and I love the names!

I got some new pictures of some of mine yesterday. They had a photo shoot except Penny who is yet broody again!!

Annie, one of the older gals

This little guy is becoming one of my favorite. He always wants to help. LOL

This is the little salmon boy. He is very friendly & inquisitive too

The sister to the others who is alot more shy than the boys.

Gretchen the Momma to all these babies. She insists on stocking her eggs under the neighbors bushes. She just did it again and I found her on 12 eggs over there but left them when I moved her. A broody silkie was more than happy to steal them and take over. So, I should have more little NN's soon.
Awesome color.Beautiful flock. The silkie cross rooster in pic#3 really like his bright coloring, what other breed does he have in him?

Excuse my very poor picture taking but here are a few of my NN from Cackle I got this year. My fav is the Buff.

These reds started out as chipmunk like with stripes down the back. Two had dark stripes and two had light stripes.

This buff chick was so white as a chick I thought for sure she would stay white. I'm happy she got these pretty buff feathers.I cannot keep all 5 ( I have 3 for sale)but I'm keeping the buff and the red that has a bright copper head. It was hard to pick a red as it is not my favorite color. The blue down feathers at the skin was confusing too. One red has a dark black like head. I maybe should have picked her because she may get a lot of black feathers mixed in her red which would not be so bad.

Oh and BTW the NN's with the dark skin are luscious

Good looking naked necks.My naked necks came from cackle this year.I am very pleased with the color variety. I plan to use them in several breeding projects next year. Polish X naked neck,frizzle polish X naked neck,frizzle easter egger x naked neck,black skin naked neck from dipsy doodle doo X cackle naked neck just to name a few.
That is Squeaky. He is part salmon Favorelle. My Fav boys are quite the busy boys here. LOL Squiggy is top roo and Lenny is second in command. Squeaky got his name because he had the most god awful squeaky voice as a youngster and still does not quite have his adult voice yet.
My turken pullet is 17 weeks now. How soon should I be getting eggs from her? I noticed today that a few of my teenage pullets (various breeds) are starting to get the redder combs starting up. I know that is a sign of impending laying. I'm hoping to see some eggs from them all soon. Also what color egg should I expect? I know they lay brown but how light or dark are we talking? The only other brown egg layers that I have currently laying are production reds.
Mine are about 20 weeks and have not started to lay. The colors on the neck face and wattles do not mean much in NNs as they change all of the time. I had a pullet who had pink wattles very early but they kept changing from bright to pale. Steve W can tall you how old his girls were when they gave hime eggs or Kev our local guru.

Hey Kev has your weather changed for the better ??? We now have days in the 90's and nights in the high 60's AAAHH ! Nice sunny low humidity too come on out folks get you shot of sunshine and Vitamin D

But hurry cause it MIGHT not last long.
Γυμνό λαιμό κοτόπουλο

This means "no feathers on neck" in Greek, they are a popualr breed in Greece and here in America. I Love Naked necks!! They even use White Turkens as egg producer in Greece lol
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My NNs started laying at about 22 weeks, so Flower and Marlowmanor, you should have eggs before the winter comes!

Flower....I am STILL waiting for some of that sun. We are lucky to have low to mid 60s by day. The jet stream still hasn't moved far enough North for us to get anything but rain, cold, rain and did I mention rain?
PG Maybe a vacation is in store for you. You could take a cruise to the Mediterranean or fly down to Sicily, Southern France or Spain. I'll meet you there.

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