Name 3 Delicious Things You Ate Today

Oh boy did I overdo it today!! Hog heaven for me!

1. cafe coconut mocha crunch foo-foo frozen drink with loads of whipped cream (not Starbucks)

2. cinamon roll

That was lunch, and for dinner I had a grilled NY steak, naturally grown, ie super expensive and only on the menu on very rare occasions!

For desert I will be having a glass of water and some antacids
Those pot stickers look a lot like pierogis, Laurie! Just fill them with some mashed potatoes, grated onion and cheddar cheese and fry them in butter and you've got yourself some delicious Polish pot stickers!
A bananna dipped in powdered sugar!!! YUM
A cheese burger with deer meat for lunch,
and cereal... That was all I ate? wow...
Today my 3 delicious items were;

Breakfast - Strawberry Activia yogurt and coffee w/vanilla chai spice creamer
Lunch - beef & cheese store bought soft taco

Dinner - my home made soft tacos
...much better than the lunch version.

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