Name 3 Things You Did or Will Do Today - 2025

Good Morning,
3 things I will do today are: ...........I don't know really.
House cleaning, cooking, eating are the same thing doing every day. I don't think I count that😁

I have been out and about all week so I will stay home on the weekend and be lazy and waste time 😁

1.Stay home
2.Be lazy
3.Waste time
1. Phone call about the job offer letter I received this morning
2. “Coffee break” i.e. TEA break to discuss the impending submission of signed offer………..
3. Thinking about how/when I can move across the state with 10 guineas :eek:
Congratulation for the the job offer!
Do you like that job?
Do they offer to pay the moving cost for you? Some do, might be it has to be asked?
Do they offer to pay the moving cost for you? Some do,
Yes, that was part of the offer. :)
One of my challenges right now is deciding whether this is meeting the right needs of mine (because I have so many that were not being met by my most recent jobs), or whether I’m so enthralled by the opportunity that it’s merely “shiny object” syndrome—which has been a danger for me. :lol:
I think I know the answer, though, and it’s time to grow up & get my life sorted out.
Yes, that was part of the offer. :)
One of my challenges right now is deciding whether this is meeting the right needs of mine (because I have so many that were not being met by my most recent jobs), or whether I’m so enthralled by the opportunity that it’s merely “shiny object” syndrome—which has been a danger for me. :lol:
I think I know the answer, though, and it’s time to grow up & get my life sorted out.
It is an adventure for you as well.
Moving across state is a big move.
I wish you all the adventures and enjoyments in your new job and new city.

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