Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

i'm trying to think who that might be.....Scribner is just a hop skip and jump from there where the Cornhusker Poultry Club is. I'm trying to think if I met anyone from there or have them on a mailing list for one of the clubs. Not many have them at all. I have a pair and am hoping to do some hatching from them this spring. Never got the chance last year as I had to cut my season short due to family stuff that came up health wise.

Yeah, what's really sad, is I didn't save his information, either. He works here in town. I'm thinking his first name was Gary, but I could be way off. LOL I could drive right to his place, very easy to find.
Yeah, what's really sad, is I didn't save his information, either. He works here in town. I'm thinking his first name was Gary, but I could be way off. LOL I could drive right to his place, very easy to find.
haha Don't ya hate that? I'll have to look at my mailing list to see if there is someone from hooper. There are several people I can ask around to as well. I'm still building up the network of people that raise poultry, so possible its someone I don't know.
Yeah, I'm kicking myself for not saving his number. But we were in the middle of a kitchen remodel at the time and my brain was fried as it was. LOL If I see him again, I will get his information. I'm sure that I will run into him at some point.

Edit: So are yours a breeding pair then?
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Yeah, I'm kicking myself for not saving his number. But we were in the middle of a kitchen remodel at the time and my brain was fried as it was. LOL If I see him again, I will get his information. I'm sure that I will run into him at some point.

Edit: So are yours a breeding pair then?
good deal. Where are you again? I know we've talked about it before, but you know how it is...always so much other stuff clogging up the brain.
Mine is a breeding pair, I raised them from chicks and last spring was supposed to be their first year hatching from, but then hospitals, and all sorts of other stuff took over, so they will be just under 2 years old when I finally get to hatch from them. Both are nice, but always on the look out for really good quality stock to add to them.
I'm just outside of Fremont by the river on a small lake. If I had my druthers, I'd be on the OTHER side of the bridge with an acreage. LOL

I'm going to look over my emails and see what I can find for information. I'm just sure that I have it somewhere. I just have to get the light bulb to go on in the brain to remember how I was communicating with him.
I'm just outside of Fremont by the river on a small lake. If I had my druthers, I'd be on the OTHER side of the bridge with an acreage. LOL

I'm going to look over my emails and see what I can find for information. I'm just sure that I have it somewhere. I just have to get the light bulb to go on in the brain to remember how I was communicating with him.
That's right, the Scribner show will be here before you know it. You should come! Its the last weekend in April
I am in Omaha. I would like to buy three pullets actually maby a little younger than that.
I suppose I cannot be picky.
Does anyone have or will have them. ?
I would like a good layer. I have White Leghorn, Wyandotte and Australorp right now.
The Australorp will not be laying for another 9 weeks. In April sometime.
I have Black Silkies and two Frizzels.
I am actually looking to add two leghorns to my flock. Do you know where I can get a couple. I bought 4 gold stars from someone out by Louisville for $7 each. They are 'laying machines' but their beaks are trimmed and don't get along with my 4 production reds AT ALL so I have them separated. he gold stars are VERY docile. I may still have his number.
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I am actually looking to add two leghorns to my flock. Do you know where I can get a couple. I bought 4 gold stars from someone out by Louisville for $7 each. They are 'laying machines' but their beaks are trimmed and don't get along with my 4 production reds AT ALL so I have them separated. he gold stars are VERY docile. I may still have his number.
I know someone who does have Leghorns. I will ask her about them and get back to you.
The Leghorns are the very first babies I raised. Or I would tell you I have some you could have.
you know how your very first babies are. I love Leghorns. I had NO idea what I was doing. But I
was determined to get layers. And are they smart and friendly. !
Like I say, I will ask the farmer lady I know about the Leghorns.

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