Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Hi fellow Nebraskans. I have been on BYC hiatus for a long time from the looks of it. Last post was 2013.

Tried to hatch with the help of PlatteRiverPs under a broody hen and was almost successful, but we know where almost counts. I postponed the new bigger coop (all supplies are in my garage still) but it is happening this spring. My mom and I staked off the space and started mapping things out this week. Now I am itching for fluffy babies.

Just curious if anyone is hatching this spring and might have a few chicks to spare. I am looking for a few good breeds
. Well specific breeds that is, but I really only want 4-5 chicks. Looking for a flock of many colors. I will create my wishlist and see if anyone has or knows anyone who has chicks coming up.

Swedish Flower Hen (Long Shot, I know!)
Orpingtons (any colors) I have a Blue currently from a hatch a few years back. Thanks to a fellow Nebraska BYCer. Just tonight read tell of a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington, beautiful bird!
Speckled Sussex

Thanks in advance for letting me ask. Dreaming of an acreage where I don't have to keep my numbers in check. LOL!
Good to see you on here again. I will perhaps have some Marans this year. I have a tray of eggs in right now with all marans and depending on how well they hatch I'm sure I'll have some spares that won't make my breeding program (i'm really, really picky).

Good to see you on here again. I will perhaps have some Marans this year. I have a tray of eggs in right now with all marans and depending on how well they hatch I'm sure I'll have some spares that won't make my breeding program (i'm really, really picky).
Where in NE do you live? I have been looking for Marans but only want 1-2 total if you have a good hatch and need to get new homes for a few I would like to take a pair :)
Where in NE do you live? I have been looking for Marans but only want 1-2 total if you have a good hatch and need to get new homes for a few I would like to take a pair
I'm not too far from Lincoln. I might have something, I'll just have to see what hatches and what ends up not making it into my breeding program. Are you looking for a breeding pair or a couple of pullets or? Price and availability will vary depending.
Does anyone know how to get a Nebraska Egg Act Number? I've found multiple sources that say that's all you need to sell eggs at a farmers market, but I can't find any on how you actually get that number. The Nebraska Department of Agriculture's website is a mess.

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