Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Hauler hens, call Fran Redwine at 402 471-3422. Or email to [email protected]

I got my egg code in January. You have to have it and have to label all cartons with your code, phone number, grade and weight. I do a mixed carton so you can put varies for the last two things.
Awesome, Thank you! And you mean you can put the word "varies" or you have to give a range of what it varies from?
You can just put the word " varies" to account for the fact your eggs are not all the same size or possibly grade. I checked mine and know that they are grade A, I check everytime I use one so I am comfortable putting that. Oh and the date you packed them must be on there to.

Heres my eggs, I pack two of what ever I have from darkest to lightest, no more than two of each color. Makes for a pretty rainbow carton. Sell for $4.50 doz
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So...Funny chicken story to share. Today my mom and I were cleaning out my garage in honor of our neighborhood cleanup. My garage looked like hoarders lived in it, pallet hoarders. I am making my new coop of mostly salvaged materials. Anyway things were in there when we moved in and I just kept adding. There were many things that had to go and lots of materials that had to be stacked. It rained. A lot. Girls were in the garden and I looked out the window of the garage to see my heinz 57 "Peach" and Blue Orpington "Big Bertha" hunkered down under the tractor. "Fluff" the partridge silkie was standing in the muddy middle of the garden (no plants yet, just finished turning it). She is standing like a statue, little fluffy puffy ball, SOAKING WET...It was like she was in a trance. I took a long broom stick out of the garage with me and waggled it in her direction. Trance broke and the other two came out to usher her in under the tractor. What a little weirdo!

Funny Chickens.

Success is that I reclaimed the garage today and I am one step closer to starting construction, once everything dries out!

It has rained here a lot.
The girls were out yesterday in it but I decided today they stay in their make shift cage.
we took the shed down to place it elsewhere and those girls are Grumpy and Cranky. ooooh
They will get that way! I took my showgirl hen out with her chicks day before but then it was too cold the next day. Boy was she mad! Once out, always out is her motto! :lol:

Dwegz, I had a line on some orps but since I wasn't home she couldn't wait as hoa was on her case! I am sorely disappointed but I was in Hawaii, nothing I could do. ;)
I wish ours were fertilized but our new rooster is not doing his manly duties yet. We also have a broody banty hen so I've been taking her out each day, boy does she get mad. :)
Mine too haha I'm letting her keep 2 non fertilized eggs to see how she does this is her first time going brood. I have a broody pen for her and yesterday I tried to switch her to see what she did. She got up and left the pen to get back in the regular nesting boxes. Should I try again tonight and just shut her in? See how she is in the morning? I would like her switched over before I gave her fertile eggs if possible

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