Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Nope, Valleys and Bobwhites are different species of quail.

I have both now, and if you are interested, I may be able to sell you some bob eggs. (If the EVER start laying!!)

I dont expect that the valleys will start for a long time, with the auction stress and all.....
CW, I wouldnt mind buying some quail eggs from you later on, but right now I am getting ready to set some guinea eggs.

I never found any showgirls and that, besides the pea's is what I was looking for. I know the one in lexington had some and so did Madison, darnit.

I did good tho, even tho one pea escaped after we put her in her pen. I asked hubby to do some work on the pen before he put them in there. So he proceeded to put them in there and then go in and out to do the work on their pen.

I do think the one I thought might be a boy is a girl after all. When I bid, they didnt read off the number or what it was as the tag had fallen off, but its one I had written down, then looking at it wasnt for sure whether it was girl or boy. I still dont really know! But its sticking around with my boys, so chances are good it will stick around now that its been here for two days. I hope, I hope...
Hey Everyone! I have a one week old lonely turkey poult (only one hatched) that would rather attack chicks than befriend them. Does anyone have any young turkey poults - especially bourbon reds that they might be willing to sell? I don't want the hatchery minimum or I would order from the hatchery - I just want two to four. I would be willing to drive 100 or so miles to pickup!

Thanks! Jenny
Hello! I am a new member, we are east of Beatrice. I am glad to see all the Nebraska members! I love BYC
It can be very addictive, but I have learned alot.
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I NEED to find a home for my BUFF ORPINGTON ROOSTER

I know his only fate is to end up on a plate, but for so long,
he has played his song, the protector at the gate.
The time has come, to say goodbye, surely I will have to cry.
So, make it quick, please make the call, save my hens from going bald!
Come get your dinner, he's sure a winner!!!!

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