Need a new feeder


Mar 31, 2024
Pittsburgh, PA
I have been happy with my overEZ feeder up until now. I looked in and saw some mold. No big deal, right? Well the feeder was horribly created and there are tons of cracks that make it hard to clean and sanitize. I have no clue how long some of it could have been there for. I am so happy I free range them most of the day. I am not willing to keep using this feeder after this.

I would like some options. Mice, rats, wild birds, etc. are not an issue. I need something that is weather proof, doesn’t need to be hung, is easy to clean, can have multiple chickens eat from at a time and can hold 10 or more pounds. It also needs to be able to be kept in the corner of a run so it being weather proof and easy to clean are the most important factors.



There are three ports and this was after removing most of it from this one before I realized I should get a picture.
I'm following because I have a basic large capacity feeder that I've placed in the middle of the run but occasionally we get an intense storm with sideways rain and water gets in the feeder. Plus mine doesn't have a top which means the chickens like to jump on it and knock it over.

I was looking at overEZ water and feeder but I guess that's no good...
I'm following because I have a basic large capacity feeder that I've placed in the middle of the run but occasionally we get an intense storm with sideways rain and water gets in the feeder. Plus mine doesn't have a top which means the chickens like to jump on it and knock it over.

I was looking at overEZ water and feeder but I guess that's no good...
I honestly loved the feeder up until now. Even if I could keep it away from the walls I would like to do the occasional clean without having to take it apart. I still am liking the waterer, however it is very expensive for what it is

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