Also absolutely be careful with the water dish fill it with marbles as you've seen chicks in shoes tend to have a harder time getting up and can more easily fall and drown in the waterer.
I would add make sure the chick can get to food/water. I would be feeding it every couple hours food/water if can’t get to it. Dropper in water if necessary.
I would supplement with vitamins, the B's in particular. Riboflavin deficiency can cause this, and can start while the chick is developing in the egg. You can use a human B complex tablet if you can't find a poultry vitamin with riboflavin. The B's are water soluble and extra will be excreted so you don't need to worry about too much of the B's. If the toes are curled the shoes may help. If the toes are not curled then I'd take the shoes off and give the vitamins a chance to help, may take up to a couple of weeks, the sooner you start the better.
Putting the chick in a chick chair for periods may help it to eat and drink.

It’s toes were curled up.
I would add make sure the chick can get to food/water. I would be feeding it every couple hours food/water if can’t get to it. Dropper in water if necessary.
I’ve read that chicks will be ok if necessary for at least a day or two after hatching because they absorb the yolk correct? I gave it some electrolyte water. But for at least another day it’s ok if it doesn’t eat right?
Offer it food, don't be too worried if it doesn't eat yet. Watching your video I think it will probably try, it's just having a hard time getting around and standing. If it can eat while in a chick chair that will help. Hydration is more important, they can get dehydrated quickly. If it's not drinking the water well, drip some on the tip of the beak every 20 minutes or so. When they're this small I hold them so that their beak rests in the crease of my finger and I drip the water into the crease at the beak tip, makes it a little easier. Once you start getting some vitamins in it hopefully you will start seeing some improvement. Make sure you check the shoes regularly, they grow really fast and you will need to adjust and make sure nothing is too tight. Ditto on making sure it can't drown in the water dish.
I can't take credit for these particular ones. I've been very lucky and have had very few leg and foot problems with chicks. The one time I needed to use one I made one similar to the first one pictured, used co wrap to make a hammock and made holes where needed for legs and droppings.
UPDATE! I made a little chicken chair out of a can coozie and it worked. The chick still is having trouble walking but sits upright and can actually walk a little! I’m confident she will be better by tomorrow!

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