Need advice on chick


Sep 12, 2024
Ok so I went out to my chicken coop this morning and found that one of my hens had hatched two babies. Well I’ve got two outside dogs and the wholes in my chicken coop are big enough for the chicks to just run out. One of the chicks ran out of the chicken coop and my dog took off with it before I could stop it. So I’m wondering if taking the other chick away and putting in a box with a heat lamp was the right thing to do. I know it’s better to leave it with its mom but at the same time I feel like it’s not safe at all in my chicken coop.
Can you move the mom and baby together?

Also, fix the holes or chain up your dog. You can put a layer of hardware cloth or at least chicken wire 2 feet up around the coop or put up some boards or something.

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